Costanza Laliscia, the 2019 European endurance champion, was also among the seven very special women who last night in the Protomoteca hall on the Capitoline Hill in Rome received the “Le Donne dell’Ippica” award at the event organized by HippoGroup Roma Capannelle, under the patronage of Roma Capitale, and destined to turn the limelight on female excellence, which in their professional life have been able to create an indissoluble union with the world of horses.

The prize, now in its 18th edition, went to Costanza and went to Cristina Fantoni (La7 journalist and TV presenter), Eleonora Di Giuseppe (Fise Federal Councilor), Melanie Gruber (show jumping champion and instructor), Giuseppina Roveda (owner of a gallop stable), Marta Risari (deputy general manager of the Campus Biomedico University Hospital) and Rebecca Dami (Amazon).
The awards were presented by Daniele Frongia, Councilor for Sport, Youth Policies and Major City Events of Roma Capitale; Andrea Rossi, Director General of the Campus Biomedico University; Stefano Pizzuti of Global Service and representatives of Data Medica, Wind, Zero Cento Lexus and Law Firm Largajolli.
“Receiving this award fills me with pride – confessed Castanza Laliscia – and further strengthens the passion that underlies my endurance commitment. Such recognition is a confirmation of how much work and daily commitment should be placed at base, in life as in sport, for every goal, which is also why I want to share the prize with all the staff of Italia Endurance Stables & Academy and of Fuxiateam and with our horses, without which I could not make my own dreams, nor to achieve the great results we have achieved so far “.

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